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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jean Augustine wants to know!!!

Hello All,

Jean Augustine wants to know from girls the following: If there were a
building/structure in Toronto for young girls, what would YOUwant to see
in it and what would they want to use it for.

Please let us know in a few words or more. Your thoughts can have a bigger impact than you think.

Hope to hear from you soon.


  1. I would like to see a space used for something culturally related to the field of arts. Also a space for young girls to conduct workshops or be a part of specific workshops. Thanks!


  2. I would want to see in it resources from other girls organizations. Something collaborative from all girls groups across the city.

  3. I would like to see more learning circles and a place where employment can be offered.

  4. It would use it as an open space for girls to book for meetings, workshops, etc.

    If I had a space where I could book anytime and feel comfortable in knowing it has an open door policy.
