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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What would you say?

If you had a microphone in your hand and the world could hear what you had to say for a moment, what would you say? You would only have time to address one issue or make one short comment.


  1. That is a hard question to answer, I would say a prayer and speak directly to those in harms way, those that are forgotten and let them know they are still thought about.

  2. I would address the importance of female rights and advocate for everyone to get involved in a particular organization.

  3. I would tell a story. The art of story telling is being left out sometimes. It can also be used to address issues.

  4. If the world is listening then I would use that opportunity to have a moment of slience so that everyone can reflect at once, not just students in a classroom on those given days.

  5. It depends on when I am on the mic. Should I address the current needs of what is happening? (the hot topic) While it is still fresh in peoples minds? I like the story telling comment Rach made. It is always better to get a point across through a short story rather than sounding like you are giving a lecture to someone.

  6. I might just have a focus group and the world would be my focus group. Maybe if I could bend the rules of your question, where others can respond, I would have the ideal focus group. It's kinda cool now that I think of it.
